Adapted from Dragonflight, by Gabi McCaffrey, and made much more entertaining in the process.


Gabriel: I am sad. Ruatha kind of sucks now ;___; Mean old Garret who killed my whole family in cold blood. Something bad should happen to him. Oh! I'm having a premonition about the red star that I won't understand until later! Hee ^_^. Oh, oh right. I think I shall make mischief at Ruatha, like changing all the klah to decaf and putting buckets of water over doors. That will show that stinky Lord Garret!


D'riel: High Reaches is in disrepair and they do not observe the traditions. T_T This makes me pissy.

R'ziel: Everything makes you pissy.

D'riel: . . .

Mnementh: It's true. T_T

D'riel: Well, I'm not going to give R'ziel the satisfaction of knowing that.

Lord Garret: Welcome to my Hold. Except not. Because I am evil and scheming. Clearly the Illuminati have already gotten to me. Great Cthulu has replaced my brain with oatmeal. Mean oatmeal. Of the deep.

D'riel: . . . .

Mnementh: What is he on? T_T

D'riel: Oatmeal, apparently.

Lord Garret: Now is the part where I am a total ass to you.

D'riel: I have great self-restraint so I do not kill you where you stand.

Mnementh: I think we should kill him where he stands.

D'riel: That is because you have no concept of consequences and live in the Now of dragon thought.

Mnemeth: I resent that. . . . what were we talking about again? T_T

Lord Garret: Uh, guys, I am standing right here, and being an ass. Did you forget about me?

D'riel: T_T . . .

R'ziel: I defuse this situation before it escalates into bloodshed with some witty banter. Now it is clear why you keep me around, even though I annoy you.

D'riel: I am impressed by your handling of the situation but will never tell you so.

R'ziel: So, let's go see the womens!

Lord Garret: . . . . T_T I do not like this idea, but I will allow it because I fear your dragon's large pointy teeth.

D'riel: Good. That is the point.

Lord Garret: These are my lady friends. They are all have brains like cheese through a strainer, except for my wife, Lady Harmony. Too bad I have beaten the frigidity and ice queeness out of her.

Lady Harmony: Says you. I hate you, you bastard. Also I am pregnant.

Lord Garret: Have I mentioned that I am evil? Hail Cthulu.

R'ziel: Okay, we're definitely not taking anyone from here.

D'riel: I agree.

Mnementh: Oatmeal T_T.

D'riel: We are on search.

Lord Garret: Yahriel is dead then?

D'riel: . . .

Mnementh: Obviously T_T

D'riel: I am going to ignore you and instead be pissy about the fact that you are living high on the hog despite the fact that your tithing to the weyr have been slacking off. If I had my way I would teach you respect with my lance. And firestone.

R'ziel: Then it is a good thing you are not in charge. >_>

D'riel: Not yet.

Mnementh: Foreshadowing T_T

D'riel: There is grass all around your hold. Also you overextend yourself, set no watch to the east, and the firestone pits are empty. You suck, but because I am the subtlest wit ever, I will tell you that you are doing a good job. Pissily.

R'ziel: This is why I am usually the one to think up the clever lines.

Lord Garret: Your dragon's teeth are still very pointy. I will restrain myself although I will attempt to keep the womens I want for myself away from you by the clever tactic of mumbling their names.

D'riel: Just to fuck with you further, I will request you repeat all the names you mumble, even though none of the women here will do. I am a perverse bastard.

Mnementh: You are. T_T

Lord Garret: Having shown you through all the women, I will now depart to plot your demise and other nefarious things. In Ry'leh dead Cthulu lies dreaming. Of oatmeal.

Mnementh: I want to eat him T_T

D'riel: He would disagree with you.

Mnementh: Not as much as I would disagree with him.

R'ziel: Okay, I don't think we're going to find the woman we're looking for here. All of them are dumpy. And have brains like soft cheese. Not exactly Weyrwoman material.

D'riel: I agree. Still, let's go visit a former dragonrider to introduce him as a character.

R'ziel: I'm game.

Kitrael: Hello. I am old and bitter, like usual. I will stare at you hungrily in a way that will make your skin crawl.

R'ziel: If you were not so old, I would possibly be turned on by this.

Canth: You are insufferable.

R'ziel: Yes <3.

D'riel: None of the women here are suitable.

Kitrael: You say that like it comes as a surprise.

D'riel: T_T . . .

Mnementh: I'd like to eat him too.

D'riel: stfu.

Kitrael: Garret killed off all the suitable women because he is a freaktoaster. I hate him and will warn you that he will attempt to kill you and then take over all of Pern. It will be like Risk, the game of global domination.

D'riel: I am good at Risk, so I will ignore your warning. What of Ruatha?

R'ziel: There have been many fine women from there before. And by fine I mean --

D'riel: stfu

R'ziel: Right.

Kitrael: Ruatha is the suckiest place ever. Garret murdered the whole family, even the little babies. You will certainly not find Princess Mary Sunshine Sweetness and Light Who Will Solve All The Problems of Pern and Become the Main Character of This Story there, so you may as well not even look.

D'riel: I am unconvinced.

R'ziel: That is why you are the other main character of this story.

D'riel: I am somewhat unnerved by the way you are staring at my calves, Kitrael, although I will never admit this. We are leaving.

R'ziel: Toodles.

Kitrael: Beware the ides of March.

D'riel: . . . . Whatever.


Lord Garret: I told you so.

D'riel: My patience is wearing thin. T_T

Mnementh: Let me eat him T_T.

D'riel: If he doesn't stfu, /I'm/ going to eat him.

Lord Garret: Ruatha sucks.

D'riel: I am sorely disappointed but will not say.

Mnementh: Hey . . . . hey, I think there's something here. T_T

D'riel: Really?

Mnementh: What were we talking about again? T_T

D'riel: T_T

Lord Garret: They rebelled so I crushed them under my boot heel. I will not admit that there is something weird at work here.

D'riel: If possible, I hate you more than before.

Lord Garret: I will almost draw my sword on you! But then I will remember that your dragon /still/ has very pointy teeth.

Mnementh: That's right, bitch T_T

Lord Garret: I will leave huffily.

R'ziel: Damn, I thought I was going to get to see you kill him.

D'riel: Me too. T_T . . . . omfg there is something going on in this valley and I have almost figured it out. I will keep on the lookout for small waifish brunettes.

R'ziel: Why brunettes?

D'riel: Do you really need to ask that?


Gabriel: I am a waifish brunette. Surely the audience suspects. I have been cleverly engineering the downfall of Ruatha just to spite terrible Lord Garret whom the audience will remember murdered my family in cold blood ;__; My only friend is the watchwehr, whom I have named 'Bingo.'

Dave-iel: Dragonmen are coming! With Lord Garret!

Gabriel: !!!!!! Dragonmen? Now I will surely be able to get the Hold back for my family! I must only devise a clever plan <3. Hee. Hey, there are dragons out here! No one mentioned that the dragonmen brought their dragons!

Dave-iel: Here, you, come and scrub pots!

Gabriel: ;__; Okay. I wanted to see the dragons ;__;.


D'riel: The watch-wehr knows something T_T

Mnementh: It totally does T_T

D'riel: There's a woman of the Blood here.

R'ziel: There is not. Kitrael told us that Garret had slaughtered all of them, as is common in stories like these. Surely a small helpless brunette cannot have escaped.

D'riel: Mm. I am still not convinced.


Melanie: So then I said, tee hee hee, do you play the piano, only like this “O_O TEE HEE HEE DO YOU PLAY THE PIANO.” Because I'd lost my soulstone, you see.

D'riel: Only my incredible patience is keeping me from stabbing you in the forehead right now.

Melanie: Oh you <3. Have I mentioned I am at your disposal?

Mnementh: I like the word 'disposal.' T_T

D'riel: No, you can't eat her.

Mnementh: Damn. Can I flame her then? T_T

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . no. T_T

Lady Harmony: I am still pregnant. And I still hate Garret. All he ever does is talk about oatmeal and Cthulu.

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . . . I honestly pity you.

Lady Harmony: Thanks. I'm slated to die soon anyway.

D'riel: It figures. Too bad you're so old and pregnant, or you could be the Weyrwoman.

Lady Harmony: And wouldn't that fuck this story up.

D'riel: Point. I think I'll hold out for the waifish brunette.

Lady Harmony: T_T They always do.

D'riel: It looks like they tried to clean up the Hold.

Lady Harmony: Tried being the operative word.

D'riel: Do you think any of the Blood survived?

Lady Harmony: Are you kidding? There's no way Princess Mary Sunshine survived.

D'riel: . . . . I am still not convinced.

Lord Garret: Let's eat!

Dave-iel: Here you go, sire!

Lord Garret: This food sucks. If you don't give me some better food, I'll renounce my claim on the Hold.

Gabriel: !!!!! Yay!

Mnementh: WHOOHOO!! . . . . Why did I just do that? T_T

D'riel: Why /did/ you just do that? Oh, I bet I know. T_T. I am pleased, but I will not say so.

Mnementh: I know anyway, you idiot. We share minds.

D'riel: stfu.

Lord Garret: WTF is up with your dragons?

D'riel: Oh, they're probably just hungry. For bastards.

Mnementh: And oatmeal T_T

Melanie: O__O;

Lady Harmony: I'm going to start having my baby now. Don't mind me.

Lord Garret: Have I mentioned that this food sucks? Someone needs to be flogged for this.

Gabriel: Hee, I ruined the dinner like the perfect little anti-dinner party hostess. Mean old Garret. You should give up Ruatha ;_;

D'riel: Why don't you renounce Ruatha then? T_T

R'ziel: WTF are you on? o_o

D'riel: WTF /am/ I on?

Mnementh: Not oatmeal T_T

D'riel: It must be someone of the Blood T_T.

Mnementh: Right. T_T

D'riel: stfu.


Lord Garret: HURR. I will renounce Ruatha only in favor of her heir, if it is male. HA! I am /such/ a bastard.

D'riel: Heard and witnessed T_T

Gabriel: Raspberries ;__;


D'riel: Let me help you T_T

Lady Harmony: He's going to try and kill you x_x He loves to kill for great Cthulu.

D'riel: I'd like to see him try. T_T

Mnementh: Me too T_T

Lady Harmony: I wish there were more bronzes x_x Now I will go have my baby. Goodbye, I'm about to be dead.

D'riel: Goodbye. If you see the waifish brunette, send her this way. T_T

Dave-iel: Hey, you, waifish brunette, go get the birthing woman!

Gabriel: Ouch ;__; No kicking. Okay, I'm going, I'm going.


Gabriel: Omfg could that woman have worse timing? I hope she's okay ;___; Even if she is married to mean old Garret. Birthing Woman, birthing woman, please come and help! Lady Harmony is having her baby and Lord Garret says that if it lives it will hold Ruatha.

Woman-iel: OMFG. Coming.

Melanie: I am no help whatsoever @_@

Lady Harmony: I AM HAVING MY BABY.

Woman-iel: You totally are.

Gabriel: ;____; I don't think you're going to make it. I'm sorry ;_; This is my fault.

Lady Harmony: It is not. It's in the script X_X.

Woman-iel: . . . . she's dead.

Gabriel: ;_________; Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound.


Gabriel: Lady Harmony totally had her baby and it was a boy and I am so not lying that they should give me an award for not lying.

Lord Garret: T_T STFU.

Gabriel: Ouch ;____; No kicking x_x Blarg. x______x.

D'riel: . . . . that was so just a brunette waif he kicked to the floor. Fuxx0r.

Mnementh: I was thinking the same thing T_T.

D'riel: Sworn and witnessed. Stand by your oath T_T

Lord Garret: Sworn and witnessed by sissies.

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . .

Mnementh: Okay, it's on now T_T.

Lord Garret: I have a sword, and you just have a piddly dagger! How can you win!

D'riel: What part of jousting lance do you not understand? T_T

Lord Garret: Oh, I'm so dead. It is even pointier than dragon's teeth. x___x. Blarg.

D'riel: Mm. I took a hit, but now I feel much more satisfied T_T.

Mnementh: Me too, although I still wish I could've eaten him. T_T

D'riel: !!!! She's not dead. . . . . but her personal hygiene leaves something to be desired. She needs a bath T_T.

Mnementh: I could just eat her.

D'riel: T_T . . . have you even been paying attention? Handle this, R'ziel.

R'ziel: That's what I'm here for ^_^.


D'riel: She's not as completely repulsive as I thought. She's just dirty. If she were clean, she might even be a halfway attractive brunette waif. I will not admit this.

Gabriel: @_@ Did you get the number of that bus?

D'riel: Name and rank T_T

Gabriel: ;____; What about Lord Garret?

D'riel: He's dead.

Mnementh: We killed him T_T.

D'riel: What do you mean, /we/?

Gabriel: Oh ;_; I'm sorry. I mean, I'm sad that he's dead, but now Ruatha is free and that's nice, I just wish he hadn't had to die ;_;


Gabriel: Oh, Oh, I'm Gabriel of Ruatha. This is my hold now <3. I guess.

D'riel: /Your/ hold? What about the baby? T_T

Gabriel: Baby? Oh .__. I lied. Lady Harmony died.

D'riel: You lied? T_T

Gabriel: To get you to fight. I'm sorry ;___; I didn't mean to, except I did, but I didn't mean it to turn out this way ;_;

D'riel: You provoked a dragonman to fight, while ON SEARCH? T_T

Gabriel: . . . . Yes? On search for what? ^-^

D'riel: You make my head hurt, but I will not admit this T_T

Mnementh: She makes my head hurt too. Are you sure I can't eat her?

D'riel: Yes, I'm sure. She's the hope of Pern. T_T

Mnementh: . . . I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. T_T

D'riel: Why pretend? You're not going to remember in three seconds anyway. T_T

Mnementh: I do not take kindly to those remarks – What were we talking about again? T_T

D'riel: . . . . . . . she's gone.


D'riel: Did you see the brunette waif run by? T_T

R'ziel: No. So, is she the one we've been looking for?

D'riel: Yes. And of the Blood.

R'ziel: So, does that mean she takes the seat from the boy?

D'riel: . . . . boy?

R'ziel: Garret's son. Strong and sound pulled from Harmony's dead womb. I am so glad I wasn't there to see that >_>.

D'riel: HA!

R'ziel: o_o; Are you all right?

D'riel: T_T I'm fine. Also, Mnementh has caught her. I am pleased although I will not admit this.

Mnementh: I told you, I already know T_T.

D'riel: stfu. Why did you run away? T_T

Gabriel: You seemed rather sort of a little angry at me, so I figured it would be best if I left. Out of sight out of mind ^_^.

D'riel: T_T

R'ziel: . . . . . . . /hello/.

D'riel: Stfu, R'ziel T_T.

R'ziel: Right.

Bingo: T_____T X___X T___T GNAAAAARF.

Gabriel: Oh, Bingo, be still ;___;

Bingo: T-T gnnnnr.

D'riel: You did not lie. The child lives.

Gabriel: Really? How wonderful! ^______^ :D Oh, oh but that means Ruatha isn't mine, doesn't it? ;__;

D'riel: You don't need Ruatha.

Gabriel: I don't? ;_;

Mnementh: She doesn't? T_T

D'riel: You will be Weyrwoman.

Mnementh: I was afraid you'd say that T_T.

Gabriel: Weyrwoman? *_* Like . . . at the Weyr?

D'riel: . . . .

Mnementh: Obviously T_T

Gabriel: Where /you/ are?

D'riel: . . . . . . . yes.

Mnementh: Oh, spare me T_T.

D'riel: Also there's that bit about the red star. It's important T_T.

Gabriel: Oh, right. I had a premonition about that.

D'riel: Leave Ruatha to the baby. You shall come to Benden.

Gabriel: Okay ^_^ <3.

D'riel: . . . . well, that was easier than I thought T_T.

Mnementh: You say that now T_T

D'riel: . . . . R'ziel, go fetch Kitrael here and leave half the wing to guard until he's settled. He'll be instated as regent until the child is grown. Gabriel goes to Benden.

R'ziel: Are you sure /I/ can't take Gabriel to Benden? You could always go get Kitrael.

D'riel: . . . . T_T

R'ziel: Right, that's why you're the Wingleader and I'm just the Wingsecond. ;_;

Gabriel: Who's Kitrael? Is he nice?

Mnementh: Nice if you mean absurdly creepy in a staring at your calves sort of way.

Gabriel: Hee. Oh good. <3

Mnementh: . . . . T_T

D'riel: He's . . . nice. T_T

Gabriel: Okay <3. What about Bingo? I can bring Bingo, right? ;___;

Bingo: T-T gnnnnar.

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . no.

Gabriel: But he's my best friend! He'll be lonely ;_;

D'riel: He's a /watch-wehr./ T_T

Mnementh: He's going to die soon anyway T_T

Gabriel: ;___;

D'riel: Mnementh says he's near death.

Gabriel: ;______; ;_; ;___; ;_; Bingo. ;___; I'll love you forever, even when I'm far away, because you're my bestest and first friend, so take care of yourself <3 ;_;

D'riel: It's a /watch-wehr/. T_T

Mnementh: She likes it T_T

D'riel: Obviously T_T

Gabriel: Okay, let's go before I change my mind ;____;

D'riel: Come on then, let me put you on Mnementh's neck T_T

Bingo: T____T X____X GNAAAAAAAARF!

Gabriel: Oh, no baby, no! ;______;

Bingo: X____X GNARRRRRF. Gnrrrrn. Blarg x_x

Gabriel: ;________; Bingo ;_________;.

Mnementh: The dragons and I are touched by your retarded display of devotion. We will dirge for this Bingo T_T.

Gabriel: Thank you ;___;

D'riel: It's just a /watch-wehr/. Although, I am a little touched by your retarded display of devotion, although I will not admit this.

Mnementh: He totally is T_T

Gabriel: ;___; Bingo.

D'riel: stfu. Who are you talking to anyway?

Mnementh: Nobody T_T

D'riel: T_T Let's get going.

Gabriel: Okay ;_;

D'riel: Hold on T_T

Gabriel: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Okay.

Mnementh: I still can't believe they're going to make you the Weyrwoman. T_T

Gabriel: What exactly is a Weyrwoman anyway? Is it nice? <3

Mnementh: For you, maybe T_T

Gabriel: Hee, then I'm excited. I've never been away from Ruatha befo – omfg between ;__;

Mnementh: You'll get used to it.

Gabriel: If you say so ;_;

D'riel: This is Benden T_T

Gabriel: Wow. It's so big *_*.

Mnementh: Thank you T_T.

Gabriel: And we're high up!

Mnementh: That's what happens when you're flying T_T

D'riel: That's what happens when you're flying T_T

Mnementh: I said that first T_T. You're going to make us sound retarded.

D'riel: stfu. She can't hear you, or did you forget that? T_T

Mnementh: Whatever you say T_T.

Gabriel: You're cute <3.

Mnementh: . . . . T_T

D'riel: These are our quarters.

Gabriel: Our? <3 <3 <3

D'riel: Mine T_T

Mnementh: And mine T_T

D'riel: It's good to be home, but I will not admit this.

Mnementh: I'm hungry T_T You haven't let me eat anyone for days T_T

D'riel: T_T. I have to feed Mnementh. He's hungry.

Gabriel: I know <3.

D'riel: I am going to pointedly ignore that remark T_T. Here, have some clothes and go and wash. I will remove myself from the premises so I will not be tempted to 'check up' on you, although I will not admit that that is why I am going.

Gabriel: Oh raspberries.

Mnementh: That's why he's going T_T.

Gabriel: Hee <3. I love you Mnementh <3.

Mnementh: T_T. I need to go kill something.


Mnementh: R'ziel is already feeding Canth. She's not scared of either of us T_T.

D'riel: . . . . T_T

Mnementh: At all. T_T

D'riel: stfu.

Mnementh: I think she may be honestly brain addled. T_T

D'riel: She wouldn't be afraid of you. You're just an overgrown watch-wehr. T_T

Mnementh: stfu T_T

R'ziel: So, how's the little lady? The hatching is due to begin in an hour.

D'riel: She's taking a bath.

R'ziel: /Oh really./

D'riel: Stfu, R'ziel.

R'ziel: Right. Kitrael has been settled at Ruatha. He'll do well there.

D'riel: That's why I chose him T_T.

Mnementh: Obviously T_T

R'ziel: Mnementh eats light. Canth doesn't. I am concealing something.

D'riel: Spill before I spill it for you with my lance T_T

Mnementh: He will too T_T

R'ziel: The others have come back. B'raquiel brings two. K'mael has five, and they're strong willed, and also /strong willed/, if you know what I mean.

D'riel: It doesn't matter T_T. It will be her.

R'ziel: Whatever you say. You are the secondary main character, after all. I still say we should've picked up those pretty little things in Crom.

D'riel: It will be her T_T.

R'ziel: S'mael and R'guel bring in others from the west.

D'riel: It will be her T_T.

R'ziel: One track mind, much?

Mnementh: I'm glad someone else noticed T_T.

D'riel: stfu.


Gabriel: Hee, I will wash and become very magically pretty and then he surely will not be able to resist my brunette charms! Where did all this hair come from? I had it hidden down the back of this scraggily tunic. I love washing <3. I love soapsand <3. I love clean <3 <3 <3. And how sweet of him! He even left me green clothes to wear <3. Hey! Who's that cutie in the mirror! Oh! HEE. It's totally me. . . . . . Oh, hi, D'riel. Back from feeding Mnementh?

D'riel: You totally did not just see me cuddling my dragon T_T.

Gabriel: Of course I didn't <3. Hee.

D'riel: You clean up remarkably pretty, but I will not admit this T_T.

Gabriel: <3 <3.

D'riel: Let's go into the other room so we won't wake Mnementh T_T.

Gabriel: Okay <3.

D'riel: Also you need to eat some food before you cease to exist T_T.

Gabriel: You're very thoughtful <3.

D'riel: FOOD FOR TWO. T_T. Nemorth is as near dead as a thing can be.

Gabriel: ;____; I'm sorry.

D'riel: I'm not T_T. I was not fond of Yahriel as a queenrider, and this should be clear by now T_T.

Gabriel: . . . . you're hurt.

D'riel: T_T. . . . . no.

Gabriel: You are so.

D'riel: . . . . maybe. A little.

Gabriel: You're impossible. Sit still and let me fix it.

D'riel: T_T. I will allow this.

Gabriel: . . . . you smell nice. And masculine <3.

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gabriel: And I'm a little nervous about this whole thing. I've never been away from Ruatha before ;_;

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . . don't be.

Gabriel: Thank you <3. I'll try. There, all done.

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . you have a soft touch. Thank you T_T.

Gabriel: *_* Hee. <3.

Mnementh: I knew this would happen T_T.

D'riel: stfu T_T /Nothing/ has happened. Aren't you supposed to be asleep? T_T

Mnementh: Right T_T. And I am asleep.

D'riel: stfu.

Gabriel: Hee, Mnementh, I love you <3 <3.

Mnementh: . . . . . . . . . T_T z_z

D'riel: Here, eat. The food has arrived.

Gabriel: Yay! Tasties! I haven't eaten anything not rotty in years!

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gabriel: . . . . . . .

D'riel: I said, eat.

Gabriel: But you're not eating --

D'riel: Women eat first. T_T

Gabriel: Oh <3. Okay <3 <3 <3.

D'riel: Now I will give you the lamest advice about hatching ever, so listen closely.

Gabriel: Okay!

D'riel: Don't be afraid and don't let her overeat.

Gabriel: Okay! <3 <3 <3. I like dragons.

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . have I really made the right decision here? T_T

Mnementh: You're just asking yourself this /now/? It's because she's waifish and brunette, isn't it? T_T.

D'riel: stfu and go back to sleep. T_T.

Mnementh: I would, but you know, have I mentioned THE HATCHING IS STARTING T_T.

D'riel: omfg. Off with your clothes T_T

Gabriel: O_O. Really?

D'riel: Off with /those/ clothes T_T And put this on.

Gabriel: Oh. Okay <3.


Mnementh: I knew it. It /is/ because she's a waifish brunette T_T.

D'riel: stfu T_T. Okay, now that you are wearing a pillowcase with holes in it, let's go to the hatching.

Gabriel: Okay <3 <3 <3.


D'riel: Remember what I told you T_T

Gabriel: Okay <3.

D'riel: Now I will retreat to the bronze perch and offer you no further support T_T.

Gabriel: Okay <3 <3 <3. I love you Mnementh <3.

Mnementh: I think she might just do this T_T

D'riel: She will T_T.

Queen Egg: ::wigglewiggle::

Gaggle of Girls: EEEK.

Gabriel: What a cute egg <3.

Gaggle of Boys: OMFG DRAGONS.

Gaggle of Dragonets: OMFG BOYS.

Gaggle of Girls: EEEEK.

Queen Egg: ::wigglewigglewiggleCRACK:: (O) (O_ ) (O__O) scree.

Gaggle of Girls: OMFG EEEK.

Gabriel: Awwwww. She's precious!

Queen: Screee.

Girl-iel: OMFG I AM MAULED!!!1


Gabriel: o_o Oh baby, settle down. You need to learn to move before you maul anyone else. Here, let me help you ;_; Are you okay, is everythi -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.

Gabriel: HELLO RAMOTH <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Ramoth: I love you, you are the bestest ever, lets go make cookies right now and cuddle some small children you are pretty and I love you and I am glad you are a waifish brunette because those are the best. Also, who are those boys up there, they look cute. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.

Mnementh: Omfg mfeo x_x. I SENSE DISASTER AHEAD.

D'riel: T_T stfu.

Gabriel: Together forever! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.

Ramoth: I agree <3. Let's get some chow <3 <3 <3.


Gabriel: Queens can fly <3. They have wings <3.

K'mael: They don't.

Gabriel: They should. <3

K'mael: They don't.

Gabriel: They should <3.

K'mael: They don't.

B'raquiel: Except to mate.

K'mael: Right.

Gabriel: .___. I don't agree with you.

K'mael: Too bad for you that I'm the boss! Ha! Also I am somewhat of a carefree asshole, for reasons that are never fully explained! Don't try to understand it. It will just make your head hurt. Here is a hint: you are not supposed to like me.

Gabriel: I'm trying very hard to like you ;_; But it's hard. Also, I already learned all these songs.

K'mael: Learn them again! Backwards.

B'raquiel: z_z

Gabriel: .___. This kind of sucks. I did not think being a Weyrwoman would be like this. Also I miss D'riel, who is avoiding me. I hate to say it, but I don't think K'mael is the best Weyrleader ever ._. All the important traditions are neglected. D'riel and his wing are the only ones who maintain them ._.

Mnementh: Foreshadowing T_T

Gabriel: Oh! Mnementh! <3 <3 <3. I love you! Can you get me out of this meeting? It's really boring ;_;

Mnementh: I'm busy T_T

Gabriel: ;___; Also, I want to fly.

Mnementh: I'd take you, but I don't think D'riel would like that T_T.

Gabriel: I'm sure he wouldn't mind <3.

Mnementh: Mmm. T_T

Gabriel: Tuenth, will you help me end this meeting? ;_;

Tuenth: np.

B'raquiel: Tuenth is restless. I have to leave.

Gabriel: Hee.

Suriel: Hello.

K'mael: Oh, it is the mistress of the Lower Caverns. I will leave because she makes me uncomfortable.

Gabriel: Thank goodness @_@. Thanks Tuenth.

Tuenth: np.

Suriel: I'll get right to the point. Only three of the holds tithed this year, so if we don't get some food fast, we'll starve this winter.

Gabriel: We did all right last winter on three tithes ;_; I don't want Ramoth to starve ;___; Or anyone else.

Suriel: We had other stores last winter. We're out of everything now except salted fish.

Gabriel: Ramoth doesn't much like salted fish .___. Also it's hard to make cookies from salted fish.

Suriel: It is. K'mael will concede. We will have to barter.

Gabriel: But that doesn't seem fair .___.

Suriel: The only other choice is to raid.

Gabriel: I like the word 'borrow' better ^_^.

Suriel: . . . . R'ziel is a good man. And I'm not just saying that because he's my son.

Gabriel: No way, he's really your son?

Suriel: Yes. He and D'riel are half brothers.

Gabriel: O_O Nobody ever told me that. It explains so much.

Mnementh: Doesn't it? T_T

Canth: It does.

Suriel: I will mysteriously be freaked out by the prospect of you leaving the Weyr and comment on how big the queen is.

Gabriel: I will not catch the hint.

Suriel: R'ziel is a good man. So is S'mael. Good for raiding.

Gabriel: 'Borrowing' <3.

Suriel: Borrowing, then. And good for other things. You know what I mean.

Gabriel: . . . . . I am going to play dumb <3.

Suriel: Well, I tried.

Gabriel: I'll handle this then <3. Thanks Suriel ^_^.

Suriel: Thank you.

Gabriel: I don't like K'mael much. I wish D'riel was Weyrleader. Why doesn't he do anything? ;_; What's he waiting for?

Mnementh: I know I'm waiting for your queen to be post-pubescent T_T.

Gabriel: ?_?

Mnementh: Nothing T_T

Ramoth: I'm hungry ;___;

Gabriel: Okay, we'll take care of you, baby <3 <3 <3.

Ramoth: Yay! <3 <3 <3. I had nightmares ;_;

Gabriel: Aww, they were just bad dreams, pet <3.

Ramoth: <3 <3 <3. I'm glad you're here.

Gabriel: I'm glad /you're/ here. I will sand and oil you <3.

Ramoth: I will enjoy it, even though I am hungry! <3.

Gabriel: You're always hungry! X3 <3

D'riel: . . . . .

Gabriel: !!!! D'riel! How long have you been standing there and watching me like a stalker? <3. Also, patrol leathers are sexy <3.

D'riel: T_T.

Mnementh: A while.

D'riel: stfu. . . . . . . Ramoth looks well.

Ramoth: Hee, oh you <3.

Mnementh: . . . . . . . . she does T_T.

Ramoth: Mnementh. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.

Gabriel: Hee. Mnementh, I love you <3.

Mnementh: . . . . T_T.

D'riel: . . . . There's been flooding in Igen and Telgar.

Mnementh: Oh, smooth change of subject there T_T.

D'riel: stfu. T_T

Ramoth: ;___; I'm hungry. Can we go bathe now so I can eat? Please? <3 <3 <3.

Mnementh: We may as well humor her T_T.

D'riel: Mnementh says we had better humor her.

Gabriel: I know <3.

D'riel: . . . . . I am going to pointedly ignore that comment.

Ramoth: I am a gawky teenaged dragon. I do not fly very gracefully ;_;

Gabriel: ;____; I know.

Mnementh: . . . . you'll get better with time T_T.

D'riel: Mnementh says she'll be more graceful when she's older.

Gabriel: I hope so, my poor little bundle of sticks ;_; /I'm/ more graceful than she is.

D'riel: . . . . . . you are. T_T

Mnementh: Says you T_T.

D'riel: stfu.

Howard-iel: A caravan is totally in the pass.

D'riel: R'ziel will see to it T_T.

Gabriel: Yay, a caravan! I wonder who it is? <3 <3. The nice three already sent their tithes. <3 <3 <3

D'riel: We'll know soon enough T_T. And we'll protect the loyal holds when the Red Star passes T_T.

Mnementh: The other holds are SOL, as far as I'm concerned T_T.

D'riel: Right. T_T.

Ramoth: I'm still hungry ;___; <3.

Gabriel: You already ate six. If you keep eating, you'll explode. Besides, others have to eat too, pet <3 <3 <3.

Mnementh: . . . . . . . she can have my share. I already ate T_T.

Ramoth: Hee <3. Mnementh. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.

Mnementh: T_T.

Ramoth: Okay z_z Now I need a nap <3 <3 <3.


Ramoth: <3 Z Z Z Z <3 <3 <3 Z Z Z Z Z <3.

Mnementh: . . . . . . . . how is she so cute? It should be against the law T_T.

D'riel: I agree. T_T.

Mnementh: I wasn't talking about Gabriel T_T.

D'riel: stfu. A messenger from Ruatha. Kitrael sends his tithing and declares his allegiance.

Gabriel: That was nice of him <3.

Fred-iel: Hail Weyrwoman. Wow, you're looking pretty hot in that tunic, if I do say so myself!

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . T_T

Mnementh: . . . . You want I should eat him? T_T

Fred-iel: o__o That dragon has very pointy teeth. So, onto the actual reason behind my visit o___o;

D'riel: That won't be necessary T_T

Mnementh: Damn. T_T

Gabriel: Mnementh, be good! <3.

Mnementh: . . . . . T_T

Fred-iel: Here's a letter I brought from Ruatha o__o.

Gabriel: Yay! I like getting mail <3 <3 <3.

D'riel: The queen is strong and healthy. Her teeth are also pointy T_T.

Gabriel: Dear Gabriel, that's me <3. The baby is strong, how wonderful! Ruatha is green free. Yay! They're keeping the traditions. The harvest was good. We sent you the best. Yay, that was so sweet of them <3 <3 <3. Hope to see you soon, please send me another dragon kthnx, Kitrael. D'riel, can we send him another dragon? He's awfully lonely.

D'riel: No T_T.

Gabriel: Okay, if you say so.

D'riel: How is the world, traveler? T_T

Fred-iel: The roads are open and the weather is warm. Also, all the holds are considering rising to open rebellion against you FYI. Except us, because we rock.

Gabriel: ;____; That's terrible.

D'riel: Thank you for your candor. T_T

Mnementh: If not for the way you were staring at Gabriel's butt. T_T

D'riel: stfu. Enjoy your stay.

Fred-iel: Bet on it.

Gabriel: Oh, D'riel, what shall we do? Everyone hates us ;_;

R'ziel: That's a good question >_>.

D'riel: K'mael and B'raquiel will surely get hungry T_T.

Gabriel: That's not what I meant ;__;

D'riel: Permission to leave you, Werywoman? T_T

Gabriel: ;____; . . . . .

K'mael: WTF is the meaning of this? Ruatha is the only Hold of High Reaches that tithes? Bullshit.

D'riel: It's true T_T

K'mael: . . . . we fed the weyr last year on the tithings of three holds. No biggie.

Gabriel: Suriel says we've used up the excess. All we have left is dried fish .___.

D'riel: Ruatha has been generous. It will make the difference T_T.

Gabriel: I'm not sure that it will ._.

D'riel: stfu woman T_T. Can't you tell I'm planning something?

Mnementh: Obviously not T_T.

Gabriel: I think we should barter ._.

K'mael: WTF NO.

B'raquiel: We so don't ever barter.

S'mael: I think we should raid, chickie-baby.

D'riel: T_T . . . . . . .

K'mael: NO RAIDS.

S'mael: Shucks.

Gabriel: If only I could get the dragons to sway them. Hath, oh Hath.

Hath: WTF!!111

D'riel: !!!!!!! omfg don't you dare T_T.

Gabriel: ;_______; Ouch, that hurts ;_;

K'mael: NO RAIDS T_T.

Gabriel: But ;_;

D'riel: T_T. This hurts me more than it hurts you T_T.

Gabriel: Ouch ;_____;

Mnementh: I wouldn't count on that T_T.

D'riel: stfu.

K'mael: The matter is closed T_T. Now let's go have a party! ^_^


Gabriel: Where's D'riel? ;___; He and Mnementh are usually here to escort us down to the feeding grounds ;_;

R'ziel: You should know where he is. He's out tracing S'mael.

Gabriel: . . . . Oh. Oops .__. Still, sending S'ms out to raid borrow was a good idea, I think. It keeps us fed. <3

R'ziel: At times you are /so/ imprudent and retarded. It's a good thing you're cute enough to make up for it.

Gabriel: ;_; Was my idea really that bad? I was just trying to help.

R'ziel: S'mael is inexperienced and rash. Let me tell you. I have first hand experience. You should have picked someone more dependable. Like me.

Canth: Woe betide us all when you're the dependable one.

R'ziel: No one asked your opinion.

Gabriel: I don't know if 'dependable' is the word I would choose to describe you, R'ziel, no offense intended c_c.

R'ziel: Attacked from all quarters ;_; And here I am just trying to help.

Gabriel: I'm sorry ;_; . . . . well, at least D'riel is doing /something/, even if it is stopping S'ms.

R'ziel: Kitrael sent in a message this morning T_T. The Holds are totally uniting against us.

Gabriel: OMFG ;_____; This is so all my fault.

R'ziel: . . . frankly speaking, yes, partially.

Gabriel: ;____; ;_; ;____;

R'ziel: You really are retarded. Haven't you realized why he's been biding his time?

Gabriel: . . . . no?

R'ziel: Sheesh. Okay. The Red Star is coming. The Thread is coming. K'mael would be find as Weyrleader during interval, but sucks now.

Gabriel: ;_; I don't like thread.

R'ziel: We need a strong Weyrleader.

Gabriel: Then why doesn't D'riel just ask them all nicely to make him the Weryleader? ;_;

R'ziel: T_T It doesn't work that way.

Canth: Sheesh is right.

Gabriel: <3 <3 <3 Canth.

R'ziel: From the moment D'riel impressed Mnementh, R'hel began training him to take command of the Weyr, but then he was assassinated. You know how that goes.

Gabriel: . . . . o_o; No.

R'ziel: Long story short, you have Done A Bad Thing.

Gabriel: I still don't understand why ;_;

R'ziel: x_x.

K'mael: Yo. Hath is totally blooding his kill.

R'ziel: . . . . . . fuxx0r.

B'raquiel: Tuenth is too.

Gabriel: ?_?

Ramoth: Z z z z z z <3

R'ziel: Call in D'riel and S'mael. T_T.

K'mael: Sorry XD. No one knows where they went. AIN'T THAT A SHAME.

R'ziel: You wouldn't /dare/, K'mael.

K'mael: Wanna bet? XD

Gabriel: ;________; ;__; ;_; ;____; MNEMENTH.

Mnementh: What? O_O. Oh, shit.

K'mael: When she eats, only let her blood her kill. That's very important, or she'll be too bloaty to fly, and nobody likes a fat chick.

R'ziel: She rises to mate x_x.

Gabriel: And D'riel's not here ;_;

K'mael: It doesn't matter anyway XD. Mnementh never rises XD.

Gabriel: ;______;

K'mael: We need lots of eggs, so don't let her gorge or she won't be able to fly, understand?

Gabriel: ;___; I understand that you're a great big jerk ;__;

D'riel: Mnementh informs me that the bronzes blood their kill. Thank you for inviting us back to this spectacle T_T.

S'mael: I'm ready for some hot lovin'!

D'riel: Stfu T_T

S'mael: Right. >_>

K'mael: WTF did you get back? T_T

D'riel: Just now T_T.

Mnementh: Obviously. T_T

Ramoth: O_O *_* *_* *_*

Gabriel: o___o She's awake.

Ramoth: omfg din din.

R'ziel: Control her, Gabriel. Don't let her overeat.

Gabriel: o_o; Okay. Ramoth sweetie, you have to just blood it <3 <3 <3.

Ramoth: Fuck that *_*. I do what I want.

Gabriel: . . . . . . T_T You most certainly do not.

Ramoth: . . . . . ;_; Okay, I do not. Sorry ;_; <3 <3 <3 <3.

Gabriel: That's better <3. Now just blood them. <3.

Ramoth: Mmmmm. Blood *_* <3 Omfg, you weenies so cannot ever catch me <3.

Gabriel: *_* She's gone.

R'ziel: Stay with her. D'riel, now would seem like a good time for Mnementh to rise. The other Bronzes are gone o_o;

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . T_T Mnementh doesn't rise.

Mnementh: T_T Fuck that shit. Let's be honest here, shall we? I want her, and you want her. Discussion closed.

D'riel: T_T . . . . . I don't --

Mnementh: stfu, D'riel. We'll discuss this later T_T.

D'riel: I am /sure/ we will T_T

Gabriel: o_o *_* Mnementh rose. I thought you said he didn't rise. *_*

D'riel: He's being perverse T_T and contrary.

Gabriel: *_* Are you sure /he's/ the one being perverse and contrary? *_*

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . .

Canth: I am sure Mnementh would have a very biting thing to say here, were he not otherwise occupied.

R'ziel: I agree <3.

Ramoth: Hee <3. I am the prettiest and the fastest <3 <3 <3. No one can catch me <3 <3 <3.

Hath: I'm totally going to catch you.

Ramoth: Oh, I seriously doubt that <3. Good try though <3 <3 <3.

Orth: /I'm/ gonna get you, baby.

Ramoth: No . . . . I really don't think so <3. Because I am the fastest and prettiest and queeniest of all the dragons. Yay! <3 <3 <3

Mnementh: . . . . . . tag, you are so it T_T.

Ramoth: !!!!!!!!!! omfg. Hi Mnementh *_* @_@. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

D'riel: Don't faint T_T. She mustn't go between T_T.

Gabriel: @_@ Cut me a little slack *_* This is so my first time dealing with dragonlust @___@;;

D'riel: . . . . . . . bring her home.

Gabriel: How? ;____; No one ever tells me /anything/ ;____;

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gabriel: Really. I am totally at a loss ;__; I don't want Ramoth to go between ;_; ;___;

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we bring them home.

Gabriel: /We/ bring them home? What do you -- OH! Oh. /Oh./ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


D'riel: x_x T_T Where /am/ I? This is so not my weyr.

Mnementh: Where do you /think/ you are?

D'riel: So that wasn't conversely both the best and most horrifying dream I have ever had? T_T.

Mnementh: I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.

D'riel: . . . . Why aren't you making the 'T_T' face?

Mnementh: Because /I/ am in a good mood.

Ramoth: Mnementh <3 <3 <3 <3.

D'riel: . . . . . . . T_T. Well, it could have turned out much worse . . .

Mnementh: It almost did. T_T. 'Mnementh doesn't rise.' Puh. After I got your ass back here in record time, too. What did you think we were coming back to do, throw rice at the bride? T_T.

D'riel: stfu. Did R'ziel remember --

Mnementh: R'ziel always remembers your orders T_T.

D'riel: Good T_T.

Mnementh: . . . . You should watch out for Gabriel. c_c

D'riel: 'Watch out' for her? What do you mean? T_T.

Mnementh: Oh, you'll see.

Gabriel: ^-^ Good morning, Mr. New Weyrleader of Benden. Did you sleep well? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . we didn't sleep much.

Gabriel: No, I suppose not <3. <3 <3 <3 <3. I've already had my bath. The morning is beautiful. <3. I brought you your klah <3 <3 <3.

Mnementh: See what I mean? XD.

D'riel: . . . . . . . stfu. . . . . . . . thank you.

Gabriel: ^-^ <3 <3 <3

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . T_T

Ramoth: <3 <3 <3 <3.

Mnementh: . . . . . . . . . .

D'riel: Ng.

Mnementh: Shit. We've got trouble T_T. Rider dispatched to the lake. There are suspicious clouds of dust that refuse to settle. I'd get dressed 'Mr. New Weyrleader of Benden <3.' Unless you want to receive the rest of the bronzes without your pants.

D'riel: stfu. T_T What's gotten into you this morning? You're usually not this obnoxious T_T.

Mnementh: I wonder.

Gabriel: Aww ;_; No time for morning cuddles? <3?

D'riel: Well, at least K'mael's attempt to ruin you apparently had no ill effects >_>.

Mnementh: You'd think that, you really would T_T.

D'riel: stfu. T_T. There's trouble.

Gabriel: Oh, I know. The holders are finally amassing to try and lay some smack down on us <3.

D'riel: I will ignore entirely whatever thoughts my be stirring in my head as to how you obtained that information when I just learned of it myself T_T.

Gabriel: Mnementh <3 <3 <3. Hee.

Mnementh: . . . .

D'riel: This is largely your fault anyway, what with S'mael and his raiding T_T. Why are you so carefree about it?

Gabriel: Because I know that now that you are in charge you will handle everything <3 <3 <3.

D'riel: T_T . . . . . . . . I will certainly not admit that I am somewhat satisfied to hear you say that.

Mnementh: Hn. Somewhat.

D'riel: stfu T_T

Mnementh: K'mael is here and feeling his authority >_>.

D'riel: He has none T_T.

Gabriel: Not like you <3.

D'riel: . . . . . . . . . .

Mnementh: Gabriel, now is a particularly bad time to scramble his thoughts. Come over here and talk to me about parchesi or something T_T.

Gabriel: Hee okay <3. It is the imperial game of India, after all. I love you Mnementh <3 <3 <3.

Ramoth: Z <3 <3 Z <3 Z

D'riel: Now attend, and be still T_T.

Gabriel: Okay <3.

K'mael: T_T S'mael has totally fessed up to raiding. And now the Lord Holders are here to spank us. I know you had something to do with this Gabriel, and if you think you're going to get away without a spanking from me over this, then you have another thing coming --

S'mael: I think I should give her the spanking. I was the one who was caught after all!

Orth: I agree! Heh.

Mnementh: I suggest you rethink the phrasing of what you just said T_T

Orth: >_> Right.

K'mael: And furthermore, we simply have to find away to settle the lords. Placate them. Maybe we should give them S'mael. :D

S'mael: !!! HEY!

D'riel: We are through placating the lords, K'mael. T_T

K'mael: WTF? I think not T_T

D'riel: You are out of order T_T.

K'mael: O____O;

D'riel: Policy changes when the leader of the Weyr is replaced T_T.

Mnementh: Guess what happened yesterday, bitch? T_T

D'riel: I lead now, bronze Mnementh's rider. T_T

Mnementh: That's right T_T

B'raquiel: NFW.

S'mael: HA! XD.

Z'ruel: WTF. Oh well.

R'guel: o_o;

D'riel: Now, as the queen is still asleep, we shall relocate to the Council Room. Mnementh, call in all Wingseconds and Browns. T_T

Mnementh: With pleasure T_T

D'riel: After you, Weyrwoman T_T.

Gabriel: *_* Hee <3 <3 <3. You pwnz0red him, D'riel. I'm glad you're Weyrleader <3 <3 <3 <3

D'riel: . . . . . .

Mnementh: Hn. Somehat satisfied. Right.

D'riel: stfu T_T.


D'riel: T_T The brown riders are much more impressive than the other wings.

Mnementh: Uh. Yeah. That's because -we're- in charge of them.

D'riel: stfu T_T.

Mnementh: Whatever.

R'ziel: It's about time you got around to this.

D'riel: stfu T_T.

R'ziel: Your grace ~_~

Gabriel: Hee hee, D'riel, R'ziel kissed my hand <3 <3 <3.

D'riel: I won't do anything now but look disgruntled -- which is my normal facial expression -- but later? We will -have words.-

Mnementh: Well, more -he- will have words. Words like 'ow' and 'stop hitting me' and 'not in my face.'

D'riel: stfu, we have business T_T. R'ziel, who is at the gate?

R'ziel: As if you didn't know, you rascal. Telgar, Nabol, Fort, Keroon, possibly also their grandmothers. Shall we invite them in for tea?

D'riel: Quite. T_T

K'mael: OMFG, how can you just sit there and make a big joke out of this? They have pointies. Swords and things. They are totally going to -jab- us with pointy things if we don't appease them.

Mnementh: Talking out of turn T_T. I'm going to eat him.

D'riel: T_T I'm sure Hath would have something to say about that.

Mnementh: It'd be hard to hear him over the digestion. That my stomach would make. After I'd eaten him.

D'riel: Stfu T_T. Estimated strength of the armed mob?

R'ziel: More than a thousand. I'm not sure we're going to have teacakes for all of them. Some of them might be forced to share.

D'riel: R'ziel, stay on topic T_T.

R'ziel: <_< Right.

B'raqiel: Over a thousand against the Weyr? Preposterous.

Z'ruel: Are we -all- cowards, or has the time finally come that we can leave off playing frilly dress-up with these imbeciles? This is the final insult.

D'riel: It is T_T.

Z'ruel: I say we flame them. That is all they are worth and all they deserve.

D'riel: You're right. Firestone is too good for them --

Mnementh: Your girlfriend isn't going to like that.

Gabriel: ;_;

D'riel: <_< . . . . I mean, we can't flame them. Remember the teachings. The dragonman's first duty is to protect.

Mnementh: You're so whipped.

D'riel: My whipping-state is none of your business. T_T Is my meaning clear? We do not need firestone to take care of this indiscretion. I noticed on Search, as I am sure the rest of you did, that the common holder has lost none of his respect for dragonkind.

Mnementh: Or our pointy, pointy teeth.

D'riel: They follow their Lords willingly enough, stirred by indignation and liquor, but it is a different thing to face down a dragon tired and dead sober without a wall or fort to hide in. Those mounted will have so much difficulty with their beasts that it is unlikely that they will even remember which direction to face. Mitigating circumstances aside, there is a greater weight in our favor than even that. The Lord Holders have also likely not considered it, as they have been so impatient to forget dragonlore. This will be their reeducation.

Mnementh: You've got them. T_T

D'riel: I know. T_T For example, they are currently standing at our gates. Some of them have been traveling for weeks to get here -- R'ziel, remind me to discuss patrol schedules with you after this is over T_T. Ask yourselves, dragonmen if the Lord Holders are here, then who is it that is holding their holds? Who is guarding their Inner Holds and the precious things kept there?

Gabriel: Hee hee hee <3 <3 <3. D'riel, you're so clever <3.

D'riel: Our Weyrwoman perceives my plan. M'loch, implement it.

B'raqiel: I don't -understand.-

Gabriel: I'll tell! I'll tell! <3 <3 <3

B'raqiel: -Someone- ought to explain v_v I'm confused from too much napping. And jurisprudence.

Gabriel: It's really easy <3. Even a dolt could understand it! <3.

D'riel: Weyrwoman T_T.

Gabriel: <_< >_> <3 <3 <3 The Lords left their holds unprotected and like big ol' goons didn't consider that dragons can go between and get places in half of no time at all. M'loch has gone to gather up sufficient guests so that the Weyr won't be further threatened <3 <3. . . . although, I don't really think it's the fault of the Holders that they did this, if the Weyr --

D'riel: The Weyr is about to insist on its traditional rights and privileges T_T. Before I outline exactly how, Weyrwoman, would you go and welcome our 'guests'? They might needs some words to fully instill the lesson --

Gabriel: <3 <3 Oh, I'll get them lots of words, like 'welcome' and 'how do you do' and 'do you like jam tarts' and 'isn't between cold?' and 'do you need a sweater?'

Mnementh: I'm not entirely sure those were the words he was thinking of T_T.

Gabriel: Mnementh <3 <3 <3.

D'riel: Leave her alone T_T.

Mnementh: T_T If you think she'll manage --

D'riel: Oh, she'll manage. I rely on your discretion and intelligence, Weyrwoman.

Gabriel: <3 <3 <3.

D'riel: Keep an eye on her.

Mnementh: What happened to 'she'll manage'? T_T

D'riel: She did manage to cause this entire situation in the first place, didn't she? T_T

Mnementh: Point. T_T


S'mael: Oh stuff it up your big ol' butt, K'ms. D'riel's boss now. Maybe we should give the Lords -you- to chill them out.

D'riel: T_T S'mael, K'mael. Remember yourselves. Those are my orders and I expect them to be followed exactly. T_T. Now I will outline the further implication of this plan and by outline, I mean not, so the audience will be left in mystery.

Dragonriders: That is a good plan. We understand it perfectly.

Mnementh: The Holders women are profiting from their . . . experience.

D'riel: In what way? T_T

Mnementh: She's cute. She's really cute XD. She's taken them to the feeding grounds where some young greens are having their breakfast.

D'riel: Did you just laugh out loud? >_> I think you might be more taken with the rider than you are with the queen T_T.

Mnementh: Oh, I doubt that.

D'riel: Stfu T_T. Our guests are at the Lake Plateau. You have your positions. Wings out.


D'riel: I am secretly very impressed by the Weyrwoman's cleverness and tact concerning our hostages, but I will certainly never tell her this. Everyone is in good morale. A high, fast mating flight and the promise of action has stirred them.

Mnementh: Fast nothing. T_T Maybe I should start questioning -your- prowess.

D'riel: Stfu T_T. K'mael bears watching. He has taken a defeat. He will come around once the Thread begins to fall.

Mnementh: Oh, Thread. I had almost forgotten about that. T_T

D'riel: And how is this -unusual?- T_T

Mnementh: Stfu, I don't go around insultin – what were we talking about again? T_T

D'riel: Nothing. T_T

Mnementh: Shall I stop to pick up Gabriel?

D'riel: . . . . It is not that I'm concerned for her safety or anything similar, but she doesn't belong in this T_T

Mnementh: Right. T_T

D'riel: Stfu. What brought her to mind, anyway T_T

Mnementh: I thought she might enjoy being there T_T.

D'riel: Mind your mission T_T. Tell Canth that he and R'ziel should proceed.

Mnementh: Will do T_T


Lord Candra: I am beginning to think that this whole 'invading the Weyr' thing was a miscalculation on our parts. The Wery is big. And rocky. And big. Still, I should not be swayed by superstition. The weyr is a bloated parasite that serves no purpose. It has outlived it's purposefulness. Our herds are raided of choice stock and our holds are raided and the women taken. Also the attack on Lord Garret cannot be left without repercussion. Even if he was a man of dangerous ambition, he was still of the blood. It must be dealt with. We make the right decision. Benden, Bitra, and Lemos will follow us in time.

Lord Deedee: Lol, who are you talking to, Lord Candra?

Lord Candra: . . . . . . . . . . actually, I was talking to you.

Lord Deedee: I wasn't listening! :D

Lord Candra: Obviously X_X. . . . . the closer we come to the weyr, the more it strikes me that this is not the best idea. The Wery is big. And rocky. And big. And rocky.

Lord Deedee: You already said that.

Lord Candra: . . . . . . I thought you weren't listening.

Lord Deedee: Roff! Maybe! Lol! Hey, do you think the dragonmen sell stuffed dragons? I want some!

Lord Candra: Make sure that you do not open your mouth during the meeting x__x.

Lord Deedee: Whatever! :D So did I tell you I totally sent some super secret spies to climb the face of the weyr? I am so full of great plans.

Lord Candra: WTF? X___X Who told you you could do that? I was put in command of this operation.

Lord Deedee: Rofl! I figured you wouldn't care! Besides! The dragonmen will see us and get way scared! How could they not, we're riding on llamas in front of a whole lot of farmers with pitchforks! That's way scary. What's more scary than llamas? Like, nothing. We'll have them in the palm of our hand! Besides, I know for a fact that at least D'riel of Benden is a total sissy. I've insulted his pants like four million thousand times and he's never ever done anything about it. I think he's a little that way. I've heard those dragon guys go for that. You know. Being that way. Like – -that way- --

Lord Candra: x_x Yes, Deedee, I understand what you're getting at – OMFGWTFSHITSHITSHITWTFISTHATJESUSSAVEUSBYTHEEGG!!111111!1

Mnementh: I think the plan to scare the shit out of them by landing all the dragons on the field at once is working.

D'riel: You have a talent for stating the obvious, but yes, you are right.

Canth: Is it just me, or can you not cut their smugness with a knife?

R'ziel: Mmmyes. Personally I think it's a side effect of not getting laid until they're nearly thirty, and then only accidentally.

Mnementh: I'll show -you- accidentally. T_T

D'riel: Mnementh, eyes front T_T.

Mnementh: Oh Right T_T. We're supposed to be menacing right now. Canth, tell R'ziel I'm going to eat him later.

Canth: Sure, I'll do that >_>



Lord Candra: Footsoldiers, take our fierce llama mounts X__X we look like idiots x_x_x.



Footsoldiers: We finally manage to get the war llamas away after they trample lots of us. Maybe next time we should invest in fiercer war beasts. Like NOT LLAMAS.

Llamas: WE AGREE.

Lord Candra: x_x God. How to save face now. I am Lord Candra of Telgar!

Lord Deedee: And I am Lord Deedee of . . . . of . . . .

Lord Candra: Nabol.

Lord Deedee: Right! Lord Deedee of Nabol! Say, do you guys sell little dragon plushies? Or wait, is that not a good time for this?

Lord Candra: Why didn't I leave you at home? x_x So. Dragonmen. I have been elected to speak for the holds.

Mnementh: Oh, this'll be good.

D'riel: Stfu. I await your words, Lord Holder.

Lord Candra: We, um, we aren't going to listen to you any more. Uh, no more raids. No more searches. No more tithing. Or we . . . . will serve you just punishment.

Lord Deedee: With our fierce mounted war llama troops!!!1

S'mael: The ones that totally ran away?

Lord Deedee: Yes, those ones!

Orth: Wicked burn!

S'mael: Yeah, I rule.

D'riel: T__T

Mnementh: Don't think I won't put you on my list of people to eat. Because I will. And then I'll eat you T_T.

S'mael: Yeah, being quiet now.

D'riel: . . . . thank you. I have listened to your ultimatum, Holders, and now, I, D'riel, Bronze Mnementh's rider will answer you as Weyrleader with our own.

Mnementh: I will rumble here for good effect like in a Spielberg movie.

D'riel: Stfu. You will turn and go back to your holds. You will go among your flocks and orchards to make a reasonable tithe. This will be on its way to the Weyr within three days of your return.

Lord Deedee: You know we're totally not going to listen, right? I'm totally not listening right now. WHAT A FEELING, KEEP BELIEVING. I'M HIGH AS A KITE AND DANCING FOR MY LIFE, TAKE YOUR PASSION AND MAKE IT HAPPEN o/~

Mnementh: Okay, I'm going to eat her and you can't stop me T_T.

D'riel: I will pause weightily to consider this. . . . . No, you can't eat her. We're going to do something better than that. I will wave my hand in a negligent manner. Mnementh, give the signal T_T.

Mnementh: Okay, but this had better stop her singing T_T.

M'loch: Hey everyone! My wing and I are here with the lovely ladies of your holds!

Ladiez: Eeek! We are scared of dragons! And also of M'loch's haircut!

Lord Candra: OMFG OUTRAGE. There is my young, delicate wife husband.

Lord Deedee: I see my ladies menfolk too! . . . . that means my stuffy collection is unguarded. WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS.

Mnementh: Oh, I think you will T_T.

D'riel: You will go back to your holds. You will clean off every last bit of green, croft and hold alike. You will clear all firepits and ridge defenses. The mines will be reopened and firestone stockpiled. You will do this, or we will stone you.

Lord Candra: The tithing I will give you, but the rest is preposterous --

D'riel: Look to the sky. The red star hangs low by day and by night. The seas rage in high tides. The mountains in Ista steam and spout burning rock. The last time I checked this was a story about dragons fighting Thread, not about the land disputes of stuffed shirt bumpkins T_T.

Mnementh: Pwnzed. T_T

D'riel: And the queen, the queen has risen to mate in her second year . . . . . . risen high and flown far. T_T I will say this as if I had no part in it at all and am instead discussing cricket scores and not my sex life in front of a bunch of strangers.

Mnementh: The queen has flown, and there she is. Flying.

Lord Candra: O_O There she is. The Queen.

Gabriel: <3 <3 <3 Hi everyone! I put on a pretty white party dress! Do you like it? I like it! Yay! <3 <3 <3

Ramoth: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 It's a nice day for flying. That we're not supposed to be doing. Hee hee!

Gabriel: We're so naughty! <3.

Ramoth: We totally are! <3 <3 <3

Mnementh: God, how is she so hot? T_T

D'riel: I don't know -- I mean, stfu X_X T_T. How can they do this, a show of rebellion when solidarity in front of the holders is so important.

Orth: But damn, they're pretty in the sun.

D'riel: That's beside the point. T_T Orth, mind yourself. And it remains that our greatest Weyrwomen: Moreta, Torene, um . . . . some other unnamed ones that are also really important, I swear – they come from Ruatha, as does our current Weyrwoman, Gabriel.

Lord Deedee: Ruatha ._.

Lord Candra: Threads ._.